WRNS Studio


Design and print production of sketchbooks for Black and Brown high school students enrolled in a free course, bringing exposure and awareness to architecture and design professions.

The soft touch lamination cover offers a protective finish with a matt effect, encouraging the user to engage with the product.

WRNS Studio Foundation

WRNS Studio Foundation seeks to cultivate a thriving higher education program that will encourage Black students to pursue careers in architecture by providing multi-year educational financial support and access to professional relationships.

Logo design, website design, and marketing materials.


Happy Holidays

Concept design and print production for a holiday card.

A hand-drawn sketch depicting a wintry scene in downtown San Jose, CA.


Design and print production for a book published to document WRNS Studios 2019 AIA COTE submission.

The cover features a blind deboss which adds a subtle tactile suggestion of the building’s crisp, modern façade.

Design for Social Media

Messages used to showcase speaking engagements for members of the WRNS partnership team. Posted on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Geometry and materiality are playfully revealed in each post.

Happy Holidays

Concept design and print production for a holiday card.

The Mission Bay Parking Structure contains a hidden seasonal message.


Grace Cathedral


Zaha Hadid Architects